Mastic Services in St. Louis, MO
A1 Professional Asphalt & Sealing provides Mastic (modified asphalt binder) throughout the Midwest and the Southern States for airports, municipalities, roadways/highways, commercial properties, and contractors. Mastics are specially formulated with highly modified asphalt binder and aggregates designed to match the physical requirements of hot mix. Mastics are a hot applied, single package, ready to melt patching compound used to repair asphalt and concrete pavements. They are specially formulated with a highly modified asphalt binder and aggregates that conform to or exceed the physical requirements of aggregates used in hot mix paving. When properly applied, Mastic will provide many years of service to distressed pavements that need repair to reduce further deterioration. It is typically used in wide pavement cracks, joint separations, spalled concrete joints, utility cuts, and ride leveling. At A1, we go through a thorough process no matter what size the scope. With that being said, there will be an unmatched amount of professionalism in every opportunity that we have to exceed your expectations. Our foreman have been trained extensively to ensure that your project is done on time and with detailed procession. Customer service and quality of work is something that we pride ourselves on no matter the size of job.
Thank you for taking the time to consider A1 for any of your future needs. If you have any questions or would like to speak to someone about an estimate, please call 888.223.3797.
Why Choose Mastic:
- Save Time and Money
- Superior bond to existing pavement for years of durability
- Faster repairs than mill and pave
- Remains flexible and withstands weather, traffic, and thermal movement
- Self leveling material
- Avoid additional paving seems
- Mastic is 100% waterproof
- Open traffic up quickly
- For use on roadways, parking lots, bridge decks, etc.
- Bonds to asphalt and concrete
- Reduced crew and equipment needed when compared to mill and pave.