Bleeding is a common problem afflicting many projects. It is characterized by water pushing its way up toward the surface of the concrete as it cures. This leaves the integrity and strength of the concrete greatly compromised. For that reason, it is important to understand why bleeding occurs. Here you will learn about this causes of this concrete bleeding, as well as some of the issues it can lead to testtest.

Causes of concrete bleeding

There is more than one thing that can lead to concrete bleeding. Perhaps the most common cause is the addition of too much water to the concrete mixture. An excessively diluted mix will almost always lead to bleeding. Likewise, improper mixing may lead to bleeding, since the cement particles may not be dispersed fully enough in the water. Bleeding may also happen when using a greater amount of fine aggregate. That’s because large pieces of gravel act to physically prevent water from moving up to the surface.

Problems with concrete bleeding

In general, bleeding tends to lead to weaker, more damage prone concrete. There are two reasons for this. For one thing, the rising water creates vertical channels in the concrete. These channels–essentially void spaces–weaken the concrete, making it more susceptible to damage when exposed to heavy weights and other forms of stress.

Bleeding also results in concrete that is much more prone to the problem known as spalling. This involves bits of concrete flaking and chipping away from the surface. Such spalling is the result of excessive hydration at the surface of the concrete.

Ensuring the best possible results from a concrete paving project requires extensive knowledge of the various factors involved. For assistance with your next paving project, please do not hesitate to contact the experts at .


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